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About Me

Hi, I'm Rad. I identify as agender and go by she/they pronouns. I'm 20↑ years old and I've been on the internet for way too long. As in I've had unfettered internet access from the age of 9, and you can only imagine how well that went. I used to spend my time on the net reading Bulbapedia articles, customizing Neopets pet pages, browsing underwater basket weaving forums, roleplaying over Hotmail, finding weird and obscure games, making sprite comics, writing self-insert fanfiction, and diving far too deep into the furry fandom. Nowadays I mostly post my art, write more self-insert/OC x canon fanfiction, and try to find other cool things that exist outside of the main social media webosphere. I miss the ye olde days of personal customizeable websites, so here we are now.

I have ADHD, and as a result, I have way too many interests and hobbies. My hobbies include: